Friday 13 September 2019


Trip Down Memory Lane #2

This is the speech I delivered during the public speaking regional level I participated in 2011. Hoping this post would both help you to gain ideas for public speaking speeches and to practice to love yourself.

A very good morning to miss/madam chairperson, honorable judges, a worthy timekeeper and last but not least members of the floor. In this auspicious day I would like to talk about tips for how to love yourself.

To love yourself means to accept ourselves as we are and to come to terms with those aspects of ourselves that we cannot change. It means we need to have self-respect, a positive self-image, and unconditional self-acceptance.

How to do it?

Let me share with you some tips that you can practice to love yourself.


Ask for a list of things people like about you.

Sometimes it can be hard to find things we like or love about ourselves. So, ask other people to tell you all the things they like about you. Ask a friend, a lover, a therapist. This isn’t a replacement for your own love, it’s a first step in learning to love yourself. You may need to hear the things other people like about before you can value them in yourself.
If hearing what people like about you is hard, ask your friends to write it down for you, so you can read to it over and over. Go back to it as many times as you can. Even if you don’t believe that someone can like a particular thing about you, or you don’t believe it exists, trust that your friend does see it and value it.
When you start to hear critical voices inside your head, go back to those things your friend said/ wrote about you, and remember that you are loved.

 Make a list of the things you like about yourself

Make a list of all the things you like about yourself. Be as honest as you can. If you’re having a hard time findings things you value about yourself, think about the things you value and love in your friends, then see if those things exist inside you, too. Most often, they do.

Make it part of your daily routine to praise something in yourself or think about something you like about yourself.

In this society, we’re taught that praising ourselves is selfish and wrong. But praising ourselves for things that are good about ourselves only helps us. It is a healing thing to do, something that nourishes our self-worth. When we love ourselves, we’re happier and more true to our own selves, and that happiness and ability to be free spreads to others.

Have compassion for yourself

If you are feeling really judgmental about something you have done or said, try to understand where the judgement is coming from. Not the immediate, surface answer, but an answer deep down inside you.

Do comforting and Nurturing things for yourself

Allow yourself to do comforting and nurturing things for yourself. Let yourself feel how good you feel when you do those things and tell yourself that you deserve to feel that way, to feel good. Gradually you’ll find that more nurturing and comforting times you have, the more you’ll seek them out and they will help build a good feeling inside you.

Ask Yourself What You Need to Do

Some of these things will work really well for you, while others may not quite fit you. So try taking a moment to get quiet, and ask yourself, “What can I do to help myself feel more compassion and love toward myself?” Don’t force an answer – just let the answer bubble up from inside you. If you find it hard to hear the answer that way, try writing out your question, and then your answer. See what you come up with. You know best what works for you – and you have great wisdom inside you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I end my speech I would like to stress that we should have compassion for ourselves and for where you are at. Remember that you are a truly loveable person and that you deserve only kind treatment, especially from yourself. Appreciate every moment in our life in order to live longer. Thank you.

Thursday 12 September 2019


Trip Down Memory Lane #1


In this Trip Down Memory Lane post, I would like to share a significant memory where had cultivated my love for public speaking and sharing ideas. This set back to 14th of June 2011 where I was selected to represent my school in a Regional Public Speaking Competition held by District Education Offices Kulim (Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah Kulim). The competition was held at SMK Taman Kenari, Kulim, Kedah.

I am writing this with my eight-years memory of the event. LOL

I arrived at the place of the competition with my English teacher maybe half an hour before the competition start as the school where the competition is held is not that far from my school.
We had breakfast then head to the briefings around 8.30am.

There I was, first time stepping into the battle hall. The place of wits and words. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. I feel like my gut is exploding throughout the briefing.
The rules were explained (I cannot recall the rules) and we were informed of the sections in the competition. There were two main parts, which were, first, our own speech, that we had prepared before the competition, and the second part is the impromptu speech. I was not briefed by my teacher about the impromptu part and my mind went all over the place hearing those conditions.

Part 1
My turn was maybe around the sixth or seventh person among 15 to 20 contestant. We had to be quarantined during both sessions. During the quarantine period, all I rememberd was silence. It was like being in a deadly place. I could smell the sense of anxiousness in the atmosphere. All the contestant kept to themselves. Some sat there looking out the window looking for something to comfort them, while me, I kept reading, memorizing my text non-stop but the reality was, none of the words can comfort me anymore. I was defeated by anxiety, nervousness and forgetfulness. I just prayed that the judges would cut me some slack.

One by one the contestants leave the quarantine room and hit for the stage. We were able to see others once we finished our turn. When it was my turn, I could feel all hell break loose, I could not cover my nervous face anymore. Annnnndddd I forgot half of my speech.

I could not even reach half of my 3 pages’ speech. There were 2 bell rings, after the first bell rang, I only had about a minute to wrap up my speech. All the contestants were given around 12 to 15 minutes each for the first round.
After I finished my turn, I went to my seat in the crowd to see other participant’s speeches. I was feeling so low at that point.

Part 2
After a lunch break, it was time for our second session, the impromptu speech.
All the participants were quarantine once again, and this time we were given about 4 minutes to prepare. So the committees showed the topic of our speech privately to the contestant and we only prepared for 4 minutes. 

I remembered the topic given to me was, “if you could go back in time, what would you change”.  The topic caught me off guard as I was not prepare for that. All I remembered was talking about how I would change my WATCH. Yeah, my watch. It was horrible, I know. After my turn was over, I sat down with my teacher and watch others present their impromptu speech.

In the end, I didn’t win. Of course. But, those moments have taught me a lot. It taught me to be brave, witty, spontaneous and have literacy in English.

That is my memory of my first Public Speaking Competition, during my university years, we done a lot of Public Speaking and I came along way from the day I stepped on the hall at the competition being held.

Stay tune for next post for my speech I delivered during the competition!


Monday 5 August 2019


Syamilia Tahfizah | Shaklee Independent Distributor 1271758| sms/Whatsapp 013-5801651|

Vitamin Semulajadi - Tip Sihat dan Cantik, Shaklee Independent Distributor, Pengedar Shaklee kawasan KEDAH – KULIM – SUNGAI PETANI – ALOR STAR – GURUN – KUALA MUDA – YAN- KUBANG PASU dan kawasan sekitarnya.

Ramai pengguna suplemen Shaklee telah merasai kesan dan telah merawat masalah mereja. Ramai juga yang memberi feedback yang sangat positif dan menggalakkan setelah beberapa hari makan supleman Shaklee.

Tapi, tedapat juga sebenarnya yang mengadu pada saya tentang kesan yang dialami setelah seminggu ke dua minggu mengambil pelbagai suplemen Shaklee, antaranya:

"Kenapa sejak ambil Vitamin E ni jerawat saya makin naik?"
"Kenapa saya sembelit/kerap buang air besar sejak makan Alfalfa ni?"
"Kenapa kepala saya pening / sakit pastu macam loya2 lepas makan vitamin ni ye?"
"Kenapa saya rasa macam asyik lapar je lepas ambil set slimming SHAKLEE ni ye?"

Dan beberapa lagi kesan ketidakselesaan yang dialami mereka.

Jangan risau!


Ketidakselesaan yang dirasai itu sebenarnya adalah krisis pemulihan yang dialami selepas mengambil suplemen.

Apa yang dirasai itu bukan gejala penyakit, tetapi ia adakah tindak balas oleh tubuh kita sendiri oleh sesuatu khasiat yang disebabkan oleh tabiat pemakanan harian kita. Apabila badan kekurangan sesuatu nutrisi dan kita mula ambil makanan/suplemen yang mengandungi nutrisi itu, akan berlaku tindak balas oleh badan yang menunjukkan badan sedang memberi respon terhadap nutrient tersebut.

Apabila makanan berkhasiat dibekalkan dengan mengejut oleh supplemen, krisis pemulihan mula terjadi. Sewaktu jangkamasa penyesuaian, ada kemungkinan penyakit-penyakit yang pernah dilalui tubuh dahulu akan timbul kembali. Biasanya perkara itu akan terjadi untuk beberapa hari mengikut badan seseorang. Walaubagaimanapun, tubuh yang lemah akan mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk pulih.


Salah satu puncanya adalah disebabkan oleh toksin yang telah terkumpul dalam badan untuk jangka masa yang lama.

Contohnya seperti sisa-sisa makanan berkimia, lemak, stress, diet harian yang tidak seimbang, kurang tidur, antibiotik atau pengambilan ubat-ubatan.

Pengambilan suplemen dapat membantu kita dalam mempertingkatkan sistem imuniti badan, mendetoks toksin lama dalam badan serta mengawal dan melindungi organ.

Semasa proses detoksifikasi berlaku, simptom2 seperti berikut akan ada pada semua orang mengikut masalah yang dihadapi :


Letih Dan Rasa Lesu

Sakit Kepala

Perut Rasa Sebu

Rasa Tak Hadam

Cepat Lapar

Cirit Birit


Kencing Keruh

Rasa Hangat


Simptom2 ni berbeza antara individu dan  akan berlalu dalam tempoh 1 hingga ke-2 minggu.


Minumlah banyak air bersih
Berehat dan tidur yang cukup
Elakkan stress berpanjangan
Amalkan makan sayur dan buah-buahan
Fikir positif untuk kesan pemulihan yang cepat

Mari lihat kesan yang ada pada anda:

Hubungi kami untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan konsultasi percuma :-
SMS/Whatsapp Syamilia : 013-5801651
SMS/Whatsapp Fahmi : 018-2734182

Nak order supplemen, kami membantu anda untuk dapatkannya :
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